Sunday, August 23, 2009

8/23/09-Entry One

Here it is. Hard to believe I'm actually going to enter the blogosphere. I finally determined this would be the easiest way for me to keep everyone updated on the goings on here on the range. (That would be range as in "Home on the Range", not range as in slaving over a hot stove.) The day to day saga of my life is not all that entertaining, but to those of you who know me, I'll probably be entertaining. If I'm not, y'all will just have to deal with it.

Why do I feel the need to blog? Hmmmmmm.....that is a very good question. I'm thinking this will be better for me than journalling (or is it journalling? neither looks right). I am the proud owner of at least 2 dozens journals with only one entry. I lose them, or discard them, or suddenly remember I hate to write anything in longhand. It takes too long and I can't delete and restate things the way I would like to with a pen and paper.

Who Am I? Wow is that a loaded question. I am currently an unemployed, undegreed accountant with more than one Biologically Based Brain Disorder (henceforth known as BBBD). I prefer the term crazy or nuts, but, certain people in the BBBD community find those terms offensive and demeaning. Personally, crazy or nuts sounds a lot more fun than BBBD, but, who am I to decide what is politically correct. Anyway, I had a fairly major breakdown right after the 4th of July. My therapy team decided it was time to try an IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) to speed up and intensify my therapy. My pace of business decided they couldn't accomodate an extended leave, so now I am an unemployed, undegreed accountant in therapy for one or more BBBD's. Sounds like a great premise for a blog doesn't it. I know all of you are on pins and needles to find out about the daily life of an accountant who goes to therapy 4 or 5 times a week. I assure you, if you stick it out with me, you might find the whole process a lot more amusing than anticipated.

More later.......................